La fameuse cake machine, loin de notre conception du terroir et des gâteaux traditionnels.
L’industrie agroalimentaire est l'ensemble des activités industrielles qui transforment des productions issues de l’agriculture ou de la pêche en produits alimentaires destinés essentiellement à la consommation humaine.
Agribusiness is the business of agricultural production. The term was coined in 1957 by Goldberg and Davis. It includes agrichemicals, breeding, crop production (farming and contract farming), distribution, farm machinery, processing, and seed supply, as well as marketing and retail sales. All agents of the food and fiber value chain and those institutions that influence it are part of the agribusiness system.
L’industrie agroalimentaire est l'ensemble des activités industrielles qui transforment des productions issues de l’agriculture ou de la pêche en produits alimentaires destinés essentiellement à la consommation humaine.
La chaine de production est l'ensemble des opérations de fabrication nécessaires, à la réalisation d'un produit manufacturé, des matières premières jusqu'à la mise sur le marché.
The famous cake machine, far from our conception of traditional cooking.
Agribusiness is the business of agricultural production. The term was coined in 1957 by Goldberg and Davis. It includes agrichemicals, breeding, crop production (farming and contract farming), distribution, farm machinery, processing, and seed supply, as well as marketing and retail sales. All agents of the food and fiber value chain and those institutions that influence it are part of the agribusiness system.
A production line is a set of sequential operations established in a factory whereby materials are put through a refining process to produce an end-product that is suitable for onward consumption; or components are assembled to make a finished article.