Geta Sumo : Les lutteurs professionnels de Sumo dans les deux plus basses divisions (Jonokuchi et Jonidan) doivent porter leur chaussures en bois (Geta) avec leur Yukata tout le temps.
Geta Sumo : Japanese professional sumo wrestlers in the lowest two divisions of Jonokuchi and Jonidan must wear geta with their yukata at all times. The clacking sound that geta make when walking are consequently something aspiring sumo stars wish to leave behind as soon as possible.
Geta Sumo : Japanese professional sumo wrestlers in the lowest two divisions of Jonokuchi and Jonidan must wear geta with their yukata at all times. The clacking sound that geta make when walking are consequently something aspiring sumo stars wish to leave behind as soon as possible.
Les geta (下駄) sont les chaussures traditionnelles du Japon. Bien que plus rares aujourd'hui, elles sont encore portées avec des vêtements comme les 'yukatas' ('kimono' léger d'été), mais aussi avec des vêtements occidentaux et surtout lors des festivals.
Les Getas possèdent énormément de formes et donc d'appellations dérivées. Elles sont composées du corps ('dai'), d'une lanière ('hanao') et peuvent ou non avoir des dents ('ha') qui varient en nombre et en hauteur. Les plus connues sont celles en bois possédant 2 "ha". Leur bruit sur le sol est très caractéristique. Ces chaussures se portent pieds nus ou avec des 'tabi' (chaussette japonaise). Il faut également savoir que les getas sont très bonnes pour le dos et la posture et que la manière de les porter 'à la japonaise' demande que le talon dépasse légèrement.
Matières et formes
Le détail de la forme et de la matière des différents éléments peut varier considérablement. Ainsi, les 'geta' paysannes sont en bois brut de Paulownia ('kiri'), la lanière en chanvre, avec des 'ha' assez basses afin de ne pas risquer de s'enfoncer dans la boue des chemins. À l'opposé, les getas des 'geisha' sont en laque et en bois de saule avec une lanière en soie. La geta peut également posséder une semelle en matière plastique dans sa forme moderne et pratique dont la texture imite celle des sandales de paille de riz ('setta') ou le bois. Elles peuvent être agrémentées de laque, de motif, de jonc sur le dessus et même de clochettes ('suzu'). L'avant de la lanière qui dépasse sur le dessous de la geta est souvent caché par une fleur de métal clouée.
Geta (à 2 dents) : C'est le style de base de geta (pour les hommes majoritairement). Ce style de geta n'a pas changé depuis les temps anciens, et même maintenant il est encore très populaire au Japon. Le nom geta défini généralement celle a deux 'ha' faite d'une seule pièce de bois, donc avec des dents non encastrables et par conséquent non changeables. Il existe également une version pour la pluie ('Ama Geta') qui se pare de laque et d'un couvre orteils. Le dessous de toutes les getas peut rester en bois ou recevoir un morceau de caoutchouc pour ne pas glisser et même des crampons pour la neige.
Geta (下駄) are a form of traditional Japanese footwear that resemble both clogs and flip-flops. They are a kind of sandal with an elevated wooden base held onto the foot with a fabric thong to keep the foot well above the ground. They are worn with traditional Japanese clothing such as kimono or yukata, but (in Japan) also with Western clothing during the summer months. Sometimes geta are worn in rain or snow to keep the feet dry, due to their extra height and impermeability compared to other footwear such as zōri. They make a similar noise to flip-flops slapping against the heel whilst walking, but the disadvantage of flip-flops when worn on water or dirt is that they will flip the dirt or water up the back of the legs. This does not tend to happen with the heavier Japanese Geta.
There are several different styles of geta. The most familiar style in the West consists of an unfinished wooden board called a dai (台, stand) that the foot is set upon, with a hanao (鼻緒, cloth thong) that passes between the big toe and second toe. As geta are usually worn only with yukata or other informal Japanese clothes or Western clothes, there is no need to wear socks. Ordinary people wear at least slightly more formal zōri when wearing special toe socks called tabi. Apprentice geisha, also called "maiko", wear their special geta (see below) with tabi to accommodate the hanao.The bottom view, showing the "teeth"The two supporting pieces below the base board, called ha (歯, teeth), are also made of wood, usually very light-weight kiri (桐, paulownia) and make a distinctive "clacking" sound while walking: karankoron (カランコロン). This is sometimes mentioned as one of the sounds that older Japanese miss most in modern life. A traditional saying in Japanese translates as "You don't know until you have worn geta." This means roughly, "you can't tell the results until the game is over." Long before the 1970s and before platform shoes, Japanese women wore Geta sandals or clogs. The reason for wearing these very high platform shoes were not for fashion, but for practical reasons. If one were to wear a very expensive kimono that hangs all the way down to their feet, they would not want to get mud on it when they walk outside. Geta are made of one piece of solid wood forming the sole and two wooden blocks underneath. These blocks may have a metal plate on the section that touches the ground in order to lengthen the life span of the Geta. A V-shaped thong of cloth forms the upper part of the sandal.
The dai may vary in shape: oval ("more feminine") to rectangular ("more masculine") and color (natural, lacquered, or stained). The ha may also vary in style; for example, tengu-geta have only a single centered "tooth". There are also less common geta with three teeth. Merchants use(d) very high geta (two long teeth) to keep the feet well above the seafood scraps on the floor. The teeth are usually not separate, instead, the geta is carved from one block of wood. The tengu tooth is, however, strengthened by a special attachment. The teeth of any geta may have harder wood drilled into the bottom to avoid splitting, and the soles of the teeth may have rubber soles glued onto them.
The hanao can be wide and padded, or narrow and hard, and it can be made with many sorts of fabric. Printed cotton with traditional Japanese motifs is popular, but there are also geta with vinyl and leather hanao. Inside the hanao is a cord (recently synthetic, but traditionally hemp) that is knotted in a special way to the three holes of the dai. In the wide hanao there is some padding as well. The hanao are replaceable. It sits between the two first toes because having the thong of rectangular geta anywhere but the middle would result in the inner back corners of the geta colliding when walking. Recently, as Western shoes have become more popular, more Western looking geta have been developed. They are more round in shape, may have an ergonomically shaped dai, a thick heel as in Western clogs, instead of separate teeth, and the thong at the side as in flip-flops. According to Japanese superstition, breaking the thong on one's geta is considered very unlucky.