Origine et culture
L'origine des Framboises et des Ronces est difficile à préciser. Elles étaient connues et appréciées en Europe bien avant l'ère chrétienne et les espèces que l'on trouve en Nouvelle-Calédonie y sont sans doute elles aussi parvenues à des époques reculèes. La présence de l'homme favorise la présence de ces ronces qui se plaisent dans les défrichés, mais elle n'en est certainement pas la cause. D'ailleurs, vous auriez peut-être tort de replanter chez vous la Framboise locale car elle est envahissante.
Usage alimentaire
Les Framboises sont bonnes crues, encore tièdes de soleil, au sucre. Les Framboises d'ombre ont moins de goût. Vous pouvez faire de ces petits fruits des sirops, des confitures et même des pâtes de fruit, tous délicieux. Si vous aimez la cuisine salée-sucrée, accompagnez-en la cuisson du poisson.
Usage médicinal
Ne laissez jamais des épines de Framboisier piquées dans votre peau, la blessure, aussi légère soit-elle, s'infecte très rapidement. Si vous êtes enceinte et près du terme, infusion et décotion de feuilles de Framboises, prises en quantités importantes, pourraient hâter l'heureux événement.
Rubus rosifolius is a prickly shrub that produces edible red berries. It is valued for a number of culinary and medicinal purposes. This species has become invasive in Hawai‘i and French Polynesia, where it is capable of intruding into the understory of rainforests. Prickly stems and an ability to form dense thickets make R. rosifolius undesirable in many areas.
Common names
akala (Hawai'i), akalakala (Hawai'i), forest bramble (English), framboisier (French), frambueso de Africa (Spanish), Mauritius raspberry (English), native bramble (English-Australia), native raspberry (English-Australia), ola'a (Hawaii), roseleaf raspberry (English), thimbleberry (English).
Rubus rosifolius is a pinnate leaved species. Erect to trailing shrub up to 2m or more in height. Stems are sparsely covered with prickles 1-4mm long. Leaves are alternate and pinnately compound, 7-18cm long, with 3-7 leaflets. Inflorescence mostly of solitary, terminal or axillary flowers. Calyx of 5 lanceolate sepals 1.4 - 2.5cm long, tomentose. Corolla of 5 white, obovate petals 1 - 2cm long. Stamens many, free. Ovaries many. Fruit a subglobose, red, multiple fruit 2 - 3.5cm long, easily detaching from the receptacle. The red fruits are somewhat conical in shape, longer than they are wide. There are two varieties of Rubus rosifolius that differ only in the number of petals. Rubus rosifolius var. commersonii has 9-13 petals, while Rubus rosifolius var. rosifolius has five. Occurs in: natural forests, ruderal/disturbed, scrub/shrublands
Rubus commersonnii Poir.,
Rubus coronarius,
Rubus eustephanos var. coronarius,
Rubus rosaefolius Smith,
Rubus rosifolius Smith var. coronarius Sims,
Rubus rosifolius var. commersonii,
Rubus rosifolius var. rosifolius
Habitat description
Occurs naturally in forest margins, clearings and gullies. Invades understory of moist forests. Grows to over 2000m elevation in Tahiti, and to 1730m in Hawai'i. Prefers light soil that is moist and nutrient-rich. In Australia where it is native it is found in rainforest and wet sclerophyll forest from Tasmania to Qeensland.
General impacts
Threatens many native plants on the Hawai‘ian Islands through overcrowding and competition. Is able to form dense thickets when adequate sunlight is available. Can climb using hooks on the stems and prickles on the leaves.
Fruit is edible and sweet-tasting. Can be made into jams, pies and preserves. Leaves can be made into tea, which can be helpful for painful menstruation, childbirth, flu, and morning sickness. Aboriginal people in Australia used a decoction of the leaves as a traditional treatment for diarrhea. The fruit is a mild laxative if eaten in large quantities. Can be used for regeneration of disturbed sites within its native range in Australia (Greening Australia NSW, 2003). Seen as a good native species to use for the replacement of invasive blackberry (Rubus fruticosus) in Australia. Rubus rosifolius is susceptible to strawberry mild yellow edge-associated potexvirus it is transmitted by a vector; an insect; Chaetosiphon fragaraefolii belonging to family Aphididae. It is transmitted in a non-persistent manner. The virus possibly requires, for vector transmission, a helper virus (strawberry mild yellow edge luteovirus); transmitted by mechanical inoculation and by grafting (Brunt et al., 1996).
Geographical range
Local dispersal methods
Consumption/excretion: Seeds are dispersed by birds and rodents that eat the fruit. For ornamental purposes (local): In some countries it is grown for its flowers.
Management information
There is no specific management information for Rubus rosifolius, but techniques used for the control of blackberry Rubus fruticosus agg which is a related species, may be applicable.
Seeds spread by birds and rodents that have ingested fruit. Can also spread via suckers that develop from arching canes.
Lifecycle stages
Seeds have germination successs of about 90% after 12 weeks.
A la fin de la saison fraîche, en octobre, et jusque vers cinq cents mètres, vous pourrez cueillir les "framboises" Rubus rosifolius, malgré les épines qui hérissent les tiges de ces buissons de la famille des Rosacées qui poussent le long des chemins, à l'ombre aussi bien qu'au soleil. Les nervures des feuilles sont, à leur envers, également garnies de fines épines. Les fleurs sont blanches à cinq pétales fins et donnent des fruits composés qui rougissent à maturité.
Origine et culture
L'origine des Framboises et des Ronces est difficile à préciser. Elles étaient connues et appréciées en Europe bien avant l'ère chrétienne et les espèces que l'on trouve en Nouvelle-Calédonie y sont sans doute elles aussi parvenues à des époques reculèes. La présence de l'homme favorise la présence de ces ronces qui se plaisent dans les défrichés, mais elle n'en est certainement pas la cause. D'ailleurs, vous auriez peut-être tort de replanter chez vous la Framboise locale car elle est envahissante.
Usage alimentaire
Les Framboises sont bonnes crues, encore tièdes de soleil, au sucre. Les Framboises d'ombre ont moins de goût. Vous pouvez faire de ces petits fruits des sirops, des confitures et même des pâtes de fruit, tous délicieux. Si vous aimez la cuisine salée-sucrée, accompagnez-en la cuisson du poisson.
Usage médicinal
Fruits : Les fruits frais sont riches en vitamine C. Ils sont d'autre part légèrement laxatifs. Le sirop, la confiture, calment au contraire la diarrhée chez les enfants, lorsqu'elle est légére.
Feuilles : Les feuilles en infusion sont astringentes :
- Faites infuser une grosse poignée de feuilles dans un litre d'eau bouillante et buvez à trois ou quatre reprises dans le courant de la journée, cela calmera vos ennuis digestifs et vous redonnera de l'appétit.
- Vous pouvez aussi utiliser l'infusion en application de compresses sur une plaie contuse ou un bouton infecté ; la cicatrisation en sera facilitée.
- La décoction de feuilles, faite dans les mêmes proportions que l'infusion et employée en gargarisme, soulagera vos angines et pharyngites. En bain de bouche elle cicatrisera vos affections buccales, aphtes et gingivites. Pour l'obtenir faites bouillir l'infusion jusqu'à la réduire de moitié.
Ne laissez jamais des épines de Framboisier piquées dans votre peau, la blessure, aussi légère soit-elle, s'infecte très rapidement. Si vous êtes enceinte et près du terme, infusion et décotion de feuilles de Framboises, prises en quantités importantes, pourraient hâter l'heureux événement.
Rubus rosifolius is a prickly shrub that produces edible red berries. It is valued for a number of culinary and medicinal purposes. This species has become invasive in Hawai‘i and French Polynesia, where it is capable of intruding into the understory of rainforests. Prickly stems and an ability to form dense thickets make R. rosifolius undesirable in many areas.
Common names
akala (Hawai'i), akalakala (Hawai'i), forest bramble (English), framboisier (French), frambueso de Africa (Spanish), Mauritius raspberry (English), native bramble (English-Australia), native raspberry (English-Australia), ola'a (Hawaii), roseleaf raspberry (English), thimbleberry (English).
Rubus rosifolius is a pinnate leaved species. Erect to trailing shrub up to 2m or more in height. Stems are sparsely covered with prickles 1-4mm long. Leaves are alternate and pinnately compound, 7-18cm long, with 3-7 leaflets. Inflorescence mostly of solitary, terminal or axillary flowers. Calyx of 5 lanceolate sepals 1.4 - 2.5cm long, tomentose. Corolla of 5 white, obovate petals 1 - 2cm long. Stamens many, free. Ovaries many. Fruit a subglobose, red, multiple fruit 2 - 3.5cm long, easily detaching from the receptacle. The red fruits are somewhat conical in shape, longer than they are wide. There are two varieties of Rubus rosifolius that differ only in the number of petals. Rubus rosifolius var. commersonii has 9-13 petals, while Rubus rosifolius var. rosifolius has five. Occurs in: natural forests, ruderal/disturbed, scrub/shrublands
Rubus commersonnii Poir.,
Rubus coronarius,
Rubus eustephanos var. coronarius,
Rubus rosaefolius Smith,
Rubus rosifolius Smith var. coronarius Sims,
Rubus rosifolius var. commersonii,
Rubus rosifolius var. rosifolius
Habitat description
Occurs naturally in forest margins, clearings and gullies. Invades understory of moist forests. Grows to over 2000m elevation in Tahiti, and to 1730m in Hawai'i. Prefers light soil that is moist and nutrient-rich. In Australia where it is native it is found in rainforest and wet sclerophyll forest from Tasmania to Qeensland.
General impacts
Threatens many native plants on the Hawai‘ian Islands through overcrowding and competition. Is able to form dense thickets when adequate sunlight is available. Can climb using hooks on the stems and prickles on the leaves.
Fruit is edible and sweet-tasting. Can be made into jams, pies and preserves. Leaves can be made into tea, which can be helpful for painful menstruation, childbirth, flu, and morning sickness. Aboriginal people in Australia used a decoction of the leaves as a traditional treatment for diarrhea. The fruit is a mild laxative if eaten in large quantities. Can be used for regeneration of disturbed sites within its native range in Australia (Greening Australia NSW, 2003). Seen as a good native species to use for the replacement of invasive blackberry (Rubus fruticosus) in Australia. Rubus rosifolius is susceptible to strawberry mild yellow edge-associated potexvirus it is transmitted by a vector; an insect; Chaetosiphon fragaraefolii belonging to family Aphididae. It is transmitted in a non-persistent manner. The virus possibly requires, for vector transmission, a helper virus (strawberry mild yellow edge luteovirus); transmitted by mechanical inoculation and by grafting (Brunt et al., 1996).
Geographical range
- Native range: Asia, Australia, China, Taiwan.
- Known introduced range: New Caledonia, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, Indonesia, Malaysia, La Réunion, Mauritius, Rapa, Hawai‘i, French Polynesia.
- For ornamental purposes: In some countries it is grown for its flowers.
Local dispersal methods
Consumption/excretion: Seeds are dispersed by birds and rodents that eat the fruit. For ornamental purposes (local): In some countries it is grown for its flowers.
Management information
There is no specific management information for Rubus rosifolius, but techniques used for the control of blackberry Rubus fruticosus agg which is a related species, may be applicable.
- Preventative measures: Maintenance of soil fertility and pasture may reduce infestations.
- Physical: Tractor and rotary slasher, hand cutting.
- Chemical: there are a range of herbicides that can be used for the control of blackberry, including those that are glyphosate-based. These are usually applied by spraying, using a knapsack or mistblower for smaller infestations, or handgun and hose for larger ones.
- Biological: Goats (Capra hircus) are able to control infestations through grazing. Care must be taken with this approach however, as goats are a known invasive species as well.
Seeds spread by birds and rodents that have ingested fruit. Can also spread via suckers that develop from arching canes.
Lifecycle stages
Seeds have germination successs of about 90% after 12 weeks.