Le mur des je t’aime est un monument dédié à l’amour érigé dans le jardin romantique du square Jehan Rictus, place des Abbesses à Paris Montmartre. Cette œuvre imaginée par Frédéric Baron et Claire Kito est devenue un lieu de rendez-vous pour les amoureux du monde entier.
Le "Mur des je t’aime", que vous pouvez découvrir en visitant le square Jehan-Rictus, est l’œuvre de Frédéric Baron qui a collecté lui-même au cours de différentes pérégrinations dans Paris plus de 1500 déclarations d’amour dans toutes les langues. Vous y verrez en effet des "Je t’aime" en anglais, chinois, français, mais aussi dans des dialectes rares ou oubliés comme le corse, le navajo ou bien même l’esperanto ! En tout, ce sont 311 "je t’aime" déclinés en 280 langues, assemblés ici grâce à l’aide de Claire Kito, artiste calligraphe.
Quant au mur qui sert de support à toutes ces déclarations amoureuses, il est constitué de 612 carreaux en lave émaillée sur une superficie de 40m2. Les éclats de couleur que vous pouvez apercevoir sur la fresque représentent les morceaux d’un cœur brisé qui, tous rassemblés, forment un cœur parfaitement composé. Notez enfin que la symbolique du mur fut sciemment un choix de l’artiste. Le mur représente en effet dans notre imaginaire collectif un symbole de la division, voire de la séparation. Ici, Frédéric Baron a souhaité casser cette image en montrant qu’un mur pouvait aussi être un support aux plus jolis sentiments humains.
The initiative of Frédéric Baron is engraved in this long chain of silent passions. Lovers have their day of celebration, St Valentine's day. It is now time for them to have a meeting place; a space where love comes together in every language: LE MUR DES JE T'AIME (I love You : The Wall).
As disciple of Philéas Fogg, Frédéric Baron dreamed of a trip around the world in 80 "I love yous". He did not leave. He asked his younger brother to write the magic phrase. Then he turned to a neighbour who was Arab or Portuguese or Russian…and so on. He opened many doors, particularly those of Embassies. Each time, it was the same mechanism, the same heartfelt fervour. In order to reap the most beautiful harvest of words of love, three large notebooks were filled with "I love you" written 1000 times in more than 300 languages.
Frédéric Baron asked Claire Kito, an artist who practices oriental calligraphy, to assemble the script. From their collaboration was born the image of a wall on which the principle languages and dialects of the planet glittered like stars in the sky.
Specializing in murals, Daniel Boulogne also fell in love with the project and successfully brought to completion the construction of this work.
In a world marked by violence and dominated by individualism, walls, like frontiers, are usually made to divide and to separate people and to protect them from one another. On the contrary, The Wall is a link, a place of reconciliation, a mirror which reflects an image of love and peace.
The Wall is built on a surface of 40m2 (10 x 4) and composed of 612 tiles of enamelled lava of 21x29.7 cm in size. The shape of the lava tiles remembers of the sheets of paper on which Frédéric Baron wrote his texts. The splashes of colour on the fresco are the pieces of a broken heart, those of a humanity which is too often torn apart and which The Wall attempts to reunite.
Le "Mur des je t’aime", que vous pouvez découvrir en visitant le square Jehan-Rictus, est l’œuvre de Frédéric Baron qui a collecté lui-même au cours de différentes pérégrinations dans Paris plus de 1500 déclarations d’amour dans toutes les langues. Vous y verrez en effet des "Je t’aime" en anglais, chinois, français, mais aussi dans des dialectes rares ou oubliés comme le corse, le navajo ou bien même l’esperanto ! En tout, ce sont 311 "je t’aime" déclinés en 280 langues, assemblés ici grâce à l’aide de Claire Kito, artiste calligraphe.
Quant au mur qui sert de support à toutes ces déclarations amoureuses, il est constitué de 612 carreaux en lave émaillée sur une superficie de 40m2. Les éclats de couleur que vous pouvez apercevoir sur la fresque représentent les morceaux d’un cœur brisé qui, tous rassemblés, forment un cœur parfaitement composé. Notez enfin que la symbolique du mur fut sciemment un choix de l’artiste. Le mur représente en effet dans notre imaginaire collectif un symbole de la division, voire de la séparation. Ici, Frédéric Baron a souhaité casser cette image en montrant qu’un mur pouvait aussi être un support aux plus jolis sentiments humains.
The initiative of Frédéric Baron is engraved in this long chain of silent passions. Lovers have their day of celebration, St Valentine's day. It is now time for them to have a meeting place; a space where love comes together in every language: LE MUR DES JE T'AIME (I love You : The Wall).
As disciple of Philéas Fogg, Frédéric Baron dreamed of a trip around the world in 80 "I love yous". He did not leave. He asked his younger brother to write the magic phrase. Then he turned to a neighbour who was Arab or Portuguese or Russian…and so on. He opened many doors, particularly those of Embassies. Each time, it was the same mechanism, the same heartfelt fervour. In order to reap the most beautiful harvest of words of love, three large notebooks were filled with "I love you" written 1000 times in more than 300 languages.
Frédéric Baron asked Claire Kito, an artist who practices oriental calligraphy, to assemble the script. From their collaboration was born the image of a wall on which the principle languages and dialects of the planet glittered like stars in the sky.
Specializing in murals, Daniel Boulogne also fell in love with the project and successfully brought to completion the construction of this work.
In a world marked by violence and dominated by individualism, walls, like frontiers, are usually made to divide and to separate people and to protect them from one another. On the contrary, The Wall is a link, a place of reconciliation, a mirror which reflects an image of love and peace.
The Wall is built on a surface of 40m2 (10 x 4) and composed of 612 tiles of enamelled lava of 21x29.7 cm in size. The shape of the lava tiles remembers of the sheets of paper on which Frédéric Baron wrote his texts. The splashes of colour on the fresco are the pieces of a broken heart, those of a humanity which is too often torn apart and which The Wall attempts to reunite.