La Bluescope Race est le plus grand rassemblement de Nouvelle-Calédonie de passionnés de glisse ! Le parcours nautique de 19.4 km s'étire de l'îlot du phare Amédée jusqu'à l'anse Vata à Nouméa.
La planche à voile est un type d'embarcation à voile minimaliste constituée d'une simple planche insubmersible, ou flotteur, et d'un gréement articulé à la planche par la base du mât.
La planche à voile se caractérise par la position debout de son pratiquant nommé "véliplanchiste" et par l'absence de gouvernail et d'écoutes. C'est le véliplanchiste qui soulève puis maintient le mat et la voile en position active, s'orientant sur l'eau en inclinant d'avant en arrière le gréement, ou en changeant ses appuis sur la planche.
Unique event gathering different board sports, the Bluescope Race is one of the major nautical rallies in New Caledonia.
It will run from 20 to 21 October 2012 on the bay of Anse Vata in the heart of Nouméa, the capital of New Caledonia. The Bluescope Race is a unique grouping of all series of sailing present in the region such as windsurfing, dinghy, catamaran and habitable, kite surfing but also rowing boats such as Va'a, kayaking, canoeing and SUP. Its long distance nature and accessibility make this event a key event in New Caledonia. True ambassador of the destination, it highlights all the region's assets and particularly its UNESCO World Heritage lagoon.
La planche à voile est un type d'embarcation à voile minimaliste constituée d'une simple planche insubmersible, ou flotteur, et d'un gréement articulé à la planche par la base du mât.
La planche à voile se caractérise par la position debout de son pratiquant nommé "véliplanchiste" et par l'absence de gouvernail et d'écoutes. C'est le véliplanchiste qui soulève puis maintient le mat et la voile en position active, s'orientant sur l'eau en inclinant d'avant en arrière le gréement, ou en changeant ses appuis sur la planche.
Unique event gathering different board sports, the Bluescope Race is one of the major nautical rallies in New Caledonia.
It will run from 20 to 21 October 2012 on the bay of Anse Vata in the heart of Nouméa, the capital of New Caledonia. The Bluescope Race is a unique grouping of all series of sailing present in the region such as windsurfing, dinghy, catamaran and habitable, kite surfing but also rowing boats such as Va'a, kayaking, canoeing and SUP. Its long distance nature and accessibility make this event a key event in New Caledonia. True ambassador of the destination, it highlights all the region's assets and particularly its UNESCO World Heritage lagoon.
Windsurfing is a surface water sport that combines elements of surfing and sailing.
It consists of a board usually 2.5 to 3 meters long, with displacements typically between 60 and 250 litres, powered by wind on a sail. The rig is connected to the board by a free-rotating universal joint and consists of a mast, boom and sail. The sail area generally ranges from 2.5 m2 to 12 m2 depending on the conditions, the skill of the sailor, the type of windsurfing being undertaken and the weight of the person windsurfing.
It consists of a board usually 2.5 to 3 meters long, with displacements typically between 60 and 250 litres, powered by wind on a sail. The rig is connected to the board by a free-rotating universal joint and consists of a mast, boom and sail. The sail area generally ranges from 2.5 m2 to 12 m2 depending on the conditions, the skill of the sailor, the type of windsurfing being undertaken and the weight of the person windsurfing.