Photographie prise du Warf de Port Despointes à Nouméa - Nouvelle-Calédonie.
Tout s’est enchainé très vite. Après plusieurs prototypes de Flyboard nous sommes rapidement sorti de l’eau, stabilisés dans les airs. Ce, grâce à notre concept de propulsion sous les pieds et de stabilisation au niveau des mains. S’en est suivi un mois de développement afin d’affiner l’intuitivité de vol. Une fois le Flyboard fini, nous avons déposé le brevet à l’I.N.P.I. (Institut national de la propriété industrielle) le 20 septembre 2011 et avons enfin pu le présenter lors de la finale du Championnat du monde en Chine. A notre retour, nous avons tourné une vidéo promotionnelle et l’avons mise en ligne sur YouTube. La suite a dépassé toutes nos espérances, avec plus de deux millions et demi de vues en 15 jours, des centaines de rediffusions TV dans le monde et des programmations de shows dans les endroits les plus prestigieux de la planète (Las Vegas, etc.).
Le Flyboard est extrêmement intuitif : apprendre à s’en servir équivaut à apprendre à marcher. Le temps de trouver son point d’équilibre et vous deviendrez Flying man ou Human Dolphin ! Il faudra compter environ entre 2 et 20 minutes avec un instructeur et entre 20 minutes et 1 heure sans instructeur pour s’arracher à l’océan. Après s’en suit des heures et des heures de pur bonheur où l’on découvre chaque jour l’immense potentiel et la source intarissable d’inspiration du Flyboard.
Le flyboard est compatible sur tous les modèles de jets ski au delà de 100 CV.
Explication technique
Le Flyboard est un engin qui permet de se propulser aussi bien dans les airs que sous l’eau. Deux versions du Flyboard sont d’ores et déjà disponibles.
La première est à utiliser à deux : la 1ère personne gère les gaz du Véhicule Nautique à Moteur (Jet ski) et la deuxième utilise le Flyboard. Le fait de ne pas contrôler les gaz permet un apprentissage plus rapide et n’empêche en rien l’utilisateur du Flyboard de monter et descendre à sa guise car ceci dépend en grande partie de l’inclinaison des pieds.
La deuxième version permet de l‘utiliser seul et donc de contrôler le Véhicule Nautique à Moteur (Jet ski) (Start-stop-coupe-accélération) ce système permet une plus grande précision de vol. Son usage intuitif hors du commun procure à son utilisateur des sensations jamais égalées. Après seulement quelques minutes vous pouvez déjà vous déplacer sous l’eau à la manière d’un dauphin et défier la gravité tel un super héros. Les buses au niveau des pieds permettent d’assurer 90% de la poussée et servent à se déplacer suivant l’inclinaison des pieds du flyboardeur et les buses au niveau des mains servent à assurer une stabilisation tel des bâtons de ski.
ZAPATA RACING started to develop the Flyboard during Spring 2011. Our strength is our experience in racing jet skis and all the prototypes we made in a record time. (FZ 950 developed and produced in 6 months, MZR V8 was developed and started his first international races in 3 months and MZR V6 was developed and started to run in 2 months). Everything went very fast. After several prototypes we finally succeeded to get out of water and stabilize in the air thanks to our under feet propulsion and the hand stabilization. Then, we worked during one month in improving the flight intuitivity, we patented in INPI and introduced the Flyboard during the World Championship in China. We posted a video on Youtube which was visited more than 2,5 million times in 15 days, many TV rebroadcasts were scheduled and many shows are organized in the more prestigious areas like Las Vegas… Our jobs consists in doing in a few days what our competitors do in one year.
As explained previously the Flyboard is very intuitive : it’s like learning to walk. Find your balance and you will become Flying Man or Dolphin Man! Between 2 and 20 minutes are needed to learn with an instructor and 20 minutes/ 1 hour without. Then you will be able to take off from water and enjoy your Flyboard for hours!
ZAPATA RACING started to develop the Flyboard during Spring 2011. Our strength is our experience in racing jet skis and all the prototypes we made in a record time. (FZ 950 developed and produced in 6 months, MZR V8 was developed and started his first international races in 3 months and MZR V6 was developed and started to run in 2 months). Everything went very fast. After several prototypes we finally succeeded to get out of water and stabilize in the air thanks to our under feet propulsion and the hand stabilization. Then, we worked during one month in improving the flight intuitivity, we patented in INPI and introduced the Flyboard during the World Championship in China. We posted a video on Youtube which was visited more than 2,5 million times in 15 days, many TV rebroadcasts were scheduled and many shows are organized in the more prestigious areas like Las Vegas… Our jobs consists in doing in a few days what our competitors do in one year.
As explained previously the Flyboard is very intuitive : it’s like learning to walk. Find your balance and you will become Flying Man or Dolphin Man! Between 2 and 20 minutes are needed to learn with an instructor and 20 minutes/ 1 hour without. Then you will be able to take off from water and enjoy your Flyboard for hours!
Technical explanations
The Flyboard is a machine which allows propulsion underwater and in the air. Two versions are available. The first version is for a 2 persons use: the first person is on the PWC and the second uses the Flyboard. This version allows a fast learning and great freedom of movement which depends on the feet tilt. The second version is for a single use and allows a better flight precision. Its intuitive use provides you exceptional sensations from its first utilization. After a few minutes you can already move underwater like a dolphin and challenge the gravity like a superman! The nozzles under your feet ensure 90% of the propulsion and allows a movement which depends on the feet tilt of the flyboarder and the nozzles on the hands are used to ensure stabilization as ski poles.
Technical explanations
The Flyboard is a machine which allows propulsion underwater and in the air. Two versions are available. The first version is for a 2 persons use: the first person is on the PWC and the second uses the Flyboard. This version allows a fast learning and great freedom of movement which depends on the feet tilt. The second version is for a single use and allows a better flight precision. Its intuitive use provides you exceptional sensations from its first utilization. After a few minutes you can already move underwater like a dolphin and challenge the gravity like a superman! The nozzles under your feet ensure 90% of the propulsion and allows a movement which depends on the feet tilt of the flyboarder and the nozzles on the hands are used to ensure stabilization as ski poles.