Le saut d’obstacles, ou concours de saut d'obstacles (CSO), est un sport équestre qui se déroule dans un terrain délimité sur lequel ont été construits des obstacles. Les barres qui les composent sont mobiles et tombent lorsqu'elles sont touchées. Pour le cheval et le cavalier, la règle du jeu est de réussir à franchir les obstacles dans un ordre précis sans les renverser, les refuser ou les dérober. Il existe plusieurs types de saut : le vertical, la haie, la rivière, le spa, l'oxer...
Cette discipline est souvent enseignée dès le niveau débutant car, outre son aspect ludique, elle permet au cavalier d’acquérir des qualités indispensables à l’équitation dans sa globalité comme l’aisance, l’équilibre et la confiance. En saut d'obstacles, le cheval et son cavalier doivent se trouver en harmonie. Le cavalier se doit de maîtriser de nombreux paramètres tels que l’impulsion, la vitesse, la trajectoire, le nombre et la longueur des foulées pour se garantir des sauts sans faute. En parallèle avec le travail sur les obstacles, un indispensable travail de dressage, de musculation et d'assouplissement sur le plat est réalisé pour que le cheval obtienne un dressage le plus fin possible et un potentiel physique optimal.
Cette discipline est souvent enseignée dès le niveau débutant car, outre son aspect ludique, elle permet au cavalier d’acquérir des qualités indispensables à l’équitation dans sa globalité comme l’aisance, l’équilibre et la confiance. En saut d'obstacles, le cheval et son cavalier doivent se trouver en harmonie. Le cavalier se doit de maîtriser de nombreux paramètres tels que l’impulsion, la vitesse, la trajectoire, le nombre et la longueur des foulées pour se garantir des sauts sans faute. En parallèle avec le travail sur les obstacles, un indispensable travail de dressage, de musculation et d'assouplissement sur le plat est réalisé pour que le cheval obtienne un dressage le plus fin possible et un potentiel physique optimal.
Bien que les principes de l'équitation aient été déjà décrits par Xénophon, puis détaillés de plus en plus en profondeur au fil des siècles, on trouve très peu d'écrits sur l'équitation de saut d'obstacles avant la fin du XIXe siècle. En effet, avant la codification de la chasse à courre, par l'«English Enclosure Acts» au XVIIIe siècle, qui obligeait les chasseurs à suivre les traces de la meute et donc a sauter les obstacles se trouvant sur le passage, il n'y avait guère de raison pour sauter les obstacles dans la campagne.
Mais vers la fin du XIXe siècle, les chasses à courre à travers champs clôturés devinrent nombreuses tant en Grande-Bretagne que sur le continent. Les courses d'obstacles et les concours hippiques devinrent de plus en plus populaires. La première compétition de saut d'obstacles eut lieu en Irlande en 1865. En France, il faut attendre 1870 pour voir apparaître les premières épreuves de saut d’obstacles. Les premiers parcours sont constitués d'éléments à franchir le plus rapidement possible constitués de barres, de rivières, et d'obstacles de terres. L'épreuve figure pour la première fois aux jeux olympiques à Paris en 1900. Malgré son avènement plutôt récent, ce sport a déjà beaucoup évolué.
Bien que les principes de l'équitation aient été déjà décrits par Xénophon, puis détaillés de plus en plus en profondeur au fil des siècles, on trouve très peu d'écrits sur l'équitation de saut d'obstacles avant la fin du XIXe siècle. En effet, avant la codification de la chasse à courre, par l'«English Enclosure Acts» au XVIIIe siècle, qui obligeait les chasseurs à suivre les traces de la meute et donc a sauter les obstacles se trouvant sur le passage, il n'y avait guère de raison pour sauter les obstacles dans la campagne.
Mais vers la fin du XIXe siècle, les chasses à courre à travers champs clôturés devinrent nombreuses tant en Grande-Bretagne que sur le continent. Les courses d'obstacles et les concours hippiques devinrent de plus en plus populaires. La première compétition de saut d'obstacles eut lieu en Irlande en 1865. En France, il faut attendre 1870 pour voir apparaître les premières épreuves de saut d’obstacles. Les premiers parcours sont constitués d'éléments à franchir le plus rapidement possible constitués de barres, de rivières, et d'obstacles de terres. L'épreuve figure pour la première fois aux jeux olympiques à Paris en 1900. Malgré son avènement plutôt récent, ce sport a déjà beaucoup évolué.
Technique équestre
Le saut d'obstacles, de par ses spécificités, exige une technique équestre particulière. Afin que le cheval ait le dos plus libre et plus actif, le cavalier se tient très souvent en équilibre sur ses étriers. Les étriers sont réglés plutôt courts pour mieux suivre le cheval lorsqu'il saute. Le cavalier peut ainsi prendre appui dessus et déplier son corps et ses bras quand le cheval s'étire pendant le planer du saut. Le cheval a besoin de toute sa capacité athlétique pour enchaîner les obstacles. Aussi le cavalier se doit de communiquer avec lui par des moyens les plus légers et les plus discrets possibles, en évitant autant que faire se peut de perturber sa motricité et son équilibre. Toutefois, sur certains sujets, les points de vue divergent et peuvent être la source de bien des discussions. Certains cavaliers utilisent des techniques qui conviennent bien à certains chevaux et cavaliers, mais moins aux autres. C'est à chacun de faire la part des choses avec sa sensibilité, son expérience et ses chevaux. Toute sa vie, le cavalier cherchera sa propre équitation, puisant dans son expérience et s'aidant de ce que peut lui apporter l'expérience des autres. Finalement, ce sont ses chevaux, s'il sait les écouter, qui lui diront s'il se trouve sur la bonne voie ou non.
Le saut d'obstacles, de par ses spécificités, exige une technique équestre particulière. Afin que le cheval ait le dos plus libre et plus actif, le cavalier se tient très souvent en équilibre sur ses étriers. Les étriers sont réglés plutôt courts pour mieux suivre le cheval lorsqu'il saute. Le cavalier peut ainsi prendre appui dessus et déplier son corps et ses bras quand le cheval s'étire pendant le planer du saut. Le cheval a besoin de toute sa capacité athlétique pour enchaîner les obstacles. Aussi le cavalier se doit de communiquer avec lui par des moyens les plus légers et les plus discrets possibles, en évitant autant que faire se peut de perturber sa motricité et son équilibre. Toutefois, sur certains sujets, les points de vue divergent et peuvent être la source de bien des discussions. Certains cavaliers utilisent des techniques qui conviennent bien à certains chevaux et cavaliers, mais moins aux autres. C'est à chacun de faire la part des choses avec sa sensibilité, son expérience et ses chevaux. Toute sa vie, le cavalier cherchera sa propre équitation, puisant dans son expérience et s'aidant de ce que peut lui apporter l'expérience des autres. Finalement, ce sont ses chevaux, s'il sait les écouter, qui lui diront s'il se trouve sur la bonne voie ou non.
L'obstacle est l'élément clé de cette discipline. Il se présente sous de nombreuses formes et couleurs. Un obstacle est classiquement constitué de barres, de chandelles et de chandeliers pour supporter les barres, de soubassements. En concours, des fanions (rouge à droite, blanc à gauche) et un numéro d'ordre sont ajoutés, l'apparence est soignée avec des chandeliers décoratifs et des soubassements variés. Pour l'entraînement, les obstacles faciles à manipuler avec peu de soubassements et des chandelles légères sont préférées. Les obstacles peuvent être de types variés : verticaux, oxers, obstacles de volée, rivières, doubles, triples, obstacles de terre. Les parcours de chasse et de derby comportent quelques obstacles naturels. Outre ses caractéristiques propres, l'agencement d'un obstacle dans un parcours peut être déterminant sur son niveau de difficulté. Dans le cas des classes de chasse et d'équitation, les obstacles sont plutôt de couleur naturelle (brun, blanc, vert…) et ne sont pas marqués de fanions et de numéros. Ces obstacles sont ainsi faits pour montrer le cheval sous un aspect plus naturel.
L'obstacle est l'élément clé de cette discipline. Il se présente sous de nombreuses formes et couleurs. Un obstacle est classiquement constitué de barres, de chandelles et de chandeliers pour supporter les barres, de soubassements. En concours, des fanions (rouge à droite, blanc à gauche) et un numéro d'ordre sont ajoutés, l'apparence est soignée avec des chandeliers décoratifs et des soubassements variés. Pour l'entraînement, les obstacles faciles à manipuler avec peu de soubassements et des chandelles légères sont préférées. Les obstacles peuvent être de types variés : verticaux, oxers, obstacles de volée, rivières, doubles, triples, obstacles de terre. Les parcours de chasse et de derby comportent quelques obstacles naturels. Outre ses caractéristiques propres, l'agencement d'un obstacle dans un parcours peut être déterminant sur son niveau de difficulté. Dans le cas des classes de chasse et d'équitation, les obstacles sont plutôt de couleur naturelle (brun, blanc, vert…) et ne sont pas marqués de fanions et de numéros. Ces obstacles sont ainsi faits pour montrer le cheval sous un aspect plus naturel.
Un parcours est composé d'obstacles variés, simples ou combinés, disposés sur le terrain dans un ordre déterminé par les chefs de pistes. Il est construit sur un terrain délimité de différentes nature (herbe, sable, etc.). Il est composé d'obstacles variés, simples ou combinés, disposés sur le terrain dans un ordre déterminé par les chefs de pistes. Tous les obstacles inclus dans le parcours doivent être franchis avec le moins de fautes possible. Le terrain où se déroule une compétition de saut d'obstacles est appelé piste. Les personnes chargées de la manutention liée à la piste (monter les obstacles) sont appelés hommes de piste. Malgré les nombreuses femmes qui font fonction d'hommes de piste, il n'existe pas de féminin à cette expression. Les personnes chargées d'inventer les parcours (tracé, obstacles) et de manager les hommes de piste sont les chefs de piste, acteurs de saut d'osbtacles majeurs lors des concours.
Un parcours est composé d'obstacles variés, simples ou combinés, disposés sur le terrain dans un ordre déterminé par les chefs de pistes. Il est construit sur un terrain délimité de différentes nature (herbe, sable, etc.). Il est composé d'obstacles variés, simples ou combinés, disposés sur le terrain dans un ordre déterminé par les chefs de pistes. Tous les obstacles inclus dans le parcours doivent être franchis avec le moins de fautes possible. Le terrain où se déroule une compétition de saut d'obstacles est appelé piste. Les personnes chargées de la manutention liée à la piste (monter les obstacles) sont appelés hommes de piste. Malgré les nombreuses femmes qui font fonction d'hommes de piste, il n'existe pas de féminin à cette expression. Les personnes chargées d'inventer les parcours (tracé, obstacles) et de manager les hommes de piste sont les chefs de piste, acteurs de saut d'osbtacles majeurs lors des concours.
Show jumping, also known as "stadium jumping", "open jumping", or simply "jumping", is a part of a group of English riding equestrian events that also includes dressage, eventing, hunters, and equitation. Jumping classes are commonly seen at horse shows throughout the world, including the Olympics. Sometimes shows are limited exclusively to jumpers, sometimes jumper classes are offered in conjunction with other English-style events, and sometimes show jumping is but one division of very large, all-breed competitions that include a very wide variety of disciplines. Jumping classes may be governed by various national horse show sanctioning organizations, such as the United States Equestrian Federation in the USA or the British Showjumping Association in Great Britain. International competitions are governed by the rules of the International Federation for Equestrian Sports (FEI, from the body's French name of Fédération Équestre Internationale).
Hunters or jumpers
Show jumping events have hunter classes, jumper classes and hunt seat equitation classes. Hunters are judged subjectively on the degree to which they meet an ideal standard of manners, style, and way of going. Conversely, jumper classes are scored objectively, based entirely on a numerical score determined only by whether the horse attempts the obstacle, clears it, and finishes the course in the allotted time. Jumper courses tend to be much more complex and technical than hunter courses because riders and horses are not being judged on style. Courses often are colorful and at times, quite creatively designed. Hunters have meticulous turnout and tend toward very quiet, conservative horse tack and rider attire. Hunter bits, bridles, crops, spurs, and martingales are tightly regulated. Jumpers, while caring for their horses and grooming them well, are not scored on turnout, are allowed a wider range of equipment, and may wear less conservative attire, so long as it stays within the rules. Formal turnout always is preferred; a neat rider gives a good impression at shows. In addition to hunters and jumpers, there are equitation classes, sometimes called hunt seat equitation, which judges the ability of the rider. The equipment, clothing, and fence styles used in equitation more closely resemble hunter classes, although the technical difficulty of the courses may more closely resemble jumping events.
Show jumping events have hunter classes, jumper classes and hunt seat equitation classes. Hunters are judged subjectively on the degree to which they meet an ideal standard of manners, style, and way of going. Conversely, jumper classes are scored objectively, based entirely on a numerical score determined only by whether the horse attempts the obstacle, clears it, and finishes the course in the allotted time. Jumper courses tend to be much more complex and technical than hunter courses because riders and horses are not being judged on style. Courses often are colorful and at times, quite creatively designed. Hunters have meticulous turnout and tend toward very quiet, conservative horse tack and rider attire. Hunter bits, bridles, crops, spurs, and martingales are tightly regulated. Jumpers, while caring for their horses and grooming them well, are not scored on turnout, are allowed a wider range of equipment, and may wear less conservative attire, so long as it stays within the rules. Formal turnout always is preferred; a neat rider gives a good impression at shows. In addition to hunters and jumpers, there are equitation classes, sometimes called hunt seat equitation, which judges the ability of the rider. The equipment, clothing, and fence styles used in equitation more closely resemble hunter classes, although the technical difficulty of the courses may more closely resemble jumping events.
Courses and rules
Jumper classes are held over a course of show jumping obstacles, including verticals, spreads, and double and triple combinations, usually with many turns and changes of direction. The intent is to jump cleanly over a set course within an allotted time. Time faults are assessed for exceeding the time allowance. Jumping faults are incurred for knockdowns and blatant disobedience, such as refusals (when the horse stops before a fence or "runs out") (see "Modern rules" below). Horses are allowed a limited number of refusals before being disqualified. A refusal may lead to a rider exceeding the time allowed on course. Placings are based on the lowest number of points or "faults" accumulated. A horse and rider who have not accumulated any jumping faults or penalty points are said to have scored a "clear round". Tied entries usually have a jump-off over a raised and shortened course, and the course is timed; if entries are tied for faults accumulated in the jump-off, the fastest time wins. In most competitions, riders are allowed to walk the initial course but not the jump-off course (usually the same course with missing jumps, e.g., 1, 3, 5, 7, 8 instead of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9) before competition to plan their ride. Walking the course before the event is a chance for the rider to walk the lines he or she will have to ride, in order to decide how many strides the horse will need to take between each jump and from which angle. Going off course will cost time if minor errors are made and major departures will result in disqualification. The higher levels of competition, such as "A" or "AA" rated shows in the United States, or the international "Grand Prix" circuit, present more technical and complex courses. Not only is the height and width ("spread") of an obstacle increased to present a greater challenge, technical difficulty also increases with tighter turns and shorter or unusual distances between fences. Horses sometimes also have to jump fences from an angle rather than straight on. For example, a course designer might set up a line so that there are six and a half strides (the standard measure for a canter stride is twelve feet) between the jumps, requiring the rider to adjust the horse's stride dramatically in order to make the distance. Unlike show hunter classes, which reward calmness and style, jumper classes require boldness, scope, power, accuracy, and control; speed also is a factor, especially in jump-off courses and speed classes (when time counts even in the first round). A jumper must jump big, bravely, and fast but also must be careful and accurate to avoid knockdowns and must be balanced and rideable in order to rate and turn accurately. The rider must choose the best line to each fence, saving ground with well-planned turns, and lines and must adjust the horse's stride for each fence and distance. In a jump-off, a rider must balance the need to go as fast as possible and turn as tightly as possible against the horse's ability to jump cleanly with good scope.
Jumper classes are held over a course of show jumping obstacles, including verticals, spreads, and double and triple combinations, usually with many turns and changes of direction. The intent is to jump cleanly over a set course within an allotted time. Time faults are assessed for exceeding the time allowance. Jumping faults are incurred for knockdowns and blatant disobedience, such as refusals (when the horse stops before a fence or "runs out") (see "Modern rules" below). Horses are allowed a limited number of refusals before being disqualified. A refusal may lead to a rider exceeding the time allowed on course. Placings are based on the lowest number of points or "faults" accumulated. A horse and rider who have not accumulated any jumping faults or penalty points are said to have scored a "clear round". Tied entries usually have a jump-off over a raised and shortened course, and the course is timed; if entries are tied for faults accumulated in the jump-off, the fastest time wins. In most competitions, riders are allowed to walk the initial course but not the jump-off course (usually the same course with missing jumps, e.g., 1, 3, 5, 7, 8 instead of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9) before competition to plan their ride. Walking the course before the event is a chance for the rider to walk the lines he or she will have to ride, in order to decide how many strides the horse will need to take between each jump and from which angle. Going off course will cost time if minor errors are made and major departures will result in disqualification. The higher levels of competition, such as "A" or "AA" rated shows in the United States, or the international "Grand Prix" circuit, present more technical and complex courses. Not only is the height and width ("spread") of an obstacle increased to present a greater challenge, technical difficulty also increases with tighter turns and shorter or unusual distances between fences. Horses sometimes also have to jump fences from an angle rather than straight on. For example, a course designer might set up a line so that there are six and a half strides (the standard measure for a canter stride is twelve feet) between the jumps, requiring the rider to adjust the horse's stride dramatically in order to make the distance. Unlike show hunter classes, which reward calmness and style, jumper classes require boldness, scope, power, accuracy, and control; speed also is a factor, especially in jump-off courses and speed classes (when time counts even in the first round). A jumper must jump big, bravely, and fast but also must be careful and accurate to avoid knockdowns and must be balanced and rideable in order to rate and turn accurately. The rider must choose the best line to each fence, saving ground with well-planned turns, and lines and must adjust the horse's stride for each fence and distance. In a jump-off, a rider must balance the need to go as fast as possible and turn as tightly as possible against the horse's ability to jump cleanly with good scope.
Show jumping is a relatively new equestrian sport. Until the Inclosure Acts, which came into force in England in the 18th century, there had been little need for horses to jump fences routinely, but with this act of Parliament came new challenges for those who followed fox hounds. The Inclosure Acts brought fencing and boundaries to many parts of the country as common ground was dispersed amongst separate owners. This meant that those wishing to pursue their sport now needed horses that were capable of jumping these obstacles.
In the early horse shows held in France, there was a parade of competitors who then took off across country for the jumping. This sport was, however, not popular with spectators since they could not follow to watch the jumping. Thus, it was not long before fences began to appear in an arena for the competitions. This became known as Lepping. 1869 was the year ‘horse leaping’ came to prominence at Dublin horse show. Fifteen years later, Lepping competitions were brought to Britain and by 1900 most of the more important shows had Lepping classes. Separate classes were held for women riding sidesaddle. At this time, the principal cavalry schools of Europe at Pinerolo and Tor-di-Quinto in Italy, the French school in Saumur, and the Spanish school in Vienna all preferred to use a very deep seat with long stirrups when jumping. While this style of riding may have felt more secure for the rider, it also impeded the freedom of the horse to use its body to the extent needed to clear large obstacles. An Italian riding instructor, Captain Federico Caprilli, heavily influenced the world of jumping with his ideas promoting a forward position with shorter stirrups. This style placed the rider in a position that did not interfere with the balance of the horse while negotiating obstacles. This style, now known as the forward seat, is commonly used today. The deep, Dressage-style seat, while useful for riding on the flat and in conditions where control of the horse is of greater importance than freedom of movement, is less suitable for jumping. The first major show jumping competition held in England was at Olympia in 1907. Most of the competitors were members of the military and it became clear at this competition and in the subsequent years, that there was no uniformity of rules for the sport. Judges marked on their own opinions. Some marked according to the severity of the obstacle and others marked according to style. Before 1907 there were no penalties for a refusal and the competitor was sometimes asked to miss the fence to please the spectators. The first courses were built with little imagination, many consisting of only a straight bar fence and a water jump. A meeting was arranged in 1923 which led to the formation of the BSJA in 1925. In the United States, a similar need for national rules for jumping and other equestrian activities led to the formation of the American Horse Shows Association in 1917, which now is known as the United States Equestrian Federation. An early form of show jumping first was incorporated into the Olympic Games in 1900. Show jumping in its current format appeared in 1912 and has thrived ever since, its recent popularity due in part to its suitability as a spectator sport that is well adapted for viewing on television.
Show jumping is a relatively new equestrian sport. Until the Inclosure Acts, which came into force in England in the 18th century, there had been little need for horses to jump fences routinely, but with this act of Parliament came new challenges for those who followed fox hounds. The Inclosure Acts brought fencing and boundaries to many parts of the country as common ground was dispersed amongst separate owners. This meant that those wishing to pursue their sport now needed horses that were capable of jumping these obstacles.
In the early horse shows held in France, there was a parade of competitors who then took off across country for the jumping. This sport was, however, not popular with spectators since they could not follow to watch the jumping. Thus, it was not long before fences began to appear in an arena for the competitions. This became known as Lepping. 1869 was the year ‘horse leaping’ came to prominence at Dublin horse show. Fifteen years later, Lepping competitions were brought to Britain and by 1900 most of the more important shows had Lepping classes. Separate classes were held for women riding sidesaddle. At this time, the principal cavalry schools of Europe at Pinerolo and Tor-di-Quinto in Italy, the French school in Saumur, and the Spanish school in Vienna all preferred to use a very deep seat with long stirrups when jumping. While this style of riding may have felt more secure for the rider, it also impeded the freedom of the horse to use its body to the extent needed to clear large obstacles. An Italian riding instructor, Captain Federico Caprilli, heavily influenced the world of jumping with his ideas promoting a forward position with shorter stirrups. This style placed the rider in a position that did not interfere with the balance of the horse while negotiating obstacles. This style, now known as the forward seat, is commonly used today. The deep, Dressage-style seat, while useful for riding on the flat and in conditions where control of the horse is of greater importance than freedom of movement, is less suitable for jumping. The first major show jumping competition held in England was at Olympia in 1907. Most of the competitors were members of the military and it became clear at this competition and in the subsequent years, that there was no uniformity of rules for the sport. Judges marked on their own opinions. Some marked according to the severity of the obstacle and others marked according to style. Before 1907 there were no penalties for a refusal and the competitor was sometimes asked to miss the fence to please the spectators. The first courses were built with little imagination, many consisting of only a straight bar fence and a water jump. A meeting was arranged in 1923 which led to the formation of the BSJA in 1925. In the United States, a similar need for national rules for jumping and other equestrian activities led to the formation of the American Horse Shows Association in 1917, which now is known as the United States Equestrian Federation. An early form of show jumping first was incorporated into the Olympic Games in 1900. Show jumping in its current format appeared in 1912 and has thrived ever since, its recent popularity due in part to its suitability as a spectator sport that is well adapted for viewing on television.
Show jumping competitors use a very forward style of English saddle, most often the "close contact" design, which has a forward flap and a seat and cantle that is flatter than saddles designed for general all-purpose English riding or dressage. This construction allows greater freedom of movement for the rider when in jumping position and allows a shorter stirrup, allowing the rider to lighten the seat on the horse. Other saddles, such as those designed for dressage, are intended for riders with a deep seat, can hinder a rider over large fences, forcing them into a position that limits the horse's movement and may put the rider dangerously behind the movement of the horse. At international levels, saddle pads are usually white and square in shape, allowing the pair to display a sponsorship, national flag, or breeding affiliation. In contrast, riders in show hunters and equitation often use "fitted" fleece pads that are the same shape as the saddle. Girths vary in type, but usually have a contour to give room for the horse's elbows, and many have belly guards to protect the underside of the horse from its shoe studs when the front legs are tightly folded under. Bridles may be used with any style of cavesson noseband, and there are few rules regarding the severity of this equipment. The figure-8 cavesson is the most popular type. Bits may also vary in severity, and competitors may use any bit, or even a "bitless bridle" or a mechanical hackamore. The ground jury at the show has the right, however, based on veterinary advice, to refuse a bit or bridling scheme if it could cause harm to the horse. Boots and wraps are worn by almost all horses, due to the fact that they may easily injure their legs when landing or when making tight turns at speed. Open-fronted tendon boots usually are worn on the forelegs, because they provide protection for the delicate tendons that run down the back of the leg, but still allow the horse to feel a rail should it get careless and hang its legs. Fetlock boots are sometimes seen on the rear legs, primarily to prevent the horse from hitting itself on tight turns. Martingales are very common, especially on horses used at the Grand Prix level. The majority of jumpers are ridden in running martingales since these provide the most freedom over fences. Although a standing martingale (a strap connecting directly to the horse's noseband) is commonly seen on show hunters and may be helpful in keeping a horse from throwing its head up, it also may be quite dangerous in the event of a stumble, restricting a horse from using its head to regain its balance. For this reason, standing martingales are not used in show jumping or eventing. Breastplates also are common, used to keep the saddle in place as the horse goes over large fences.
Show jumping competitors use a very forward style of English saddle, most often the "close contact" design, which has a forward flap and a seat and cantle that is flatter than saddles designed for general all-purpose English riding or dressage. This construction allows greater freedom of movement for the rider when in jumping position and allows a shorter stirrup, allowing the rider to lighten the seat on the horse. Other saddles, such as those designed for dressage, are intended for riders with a deep seat, can hinder a rider over large fences, forcing them into a position that limits the horse's movement and may put the rider dangerously behind the movement of the horse. At international levels, saddle pads are usually white and square in shape, allowing the pair to display a sponsorship, national flag, or breeding affiliation. In contrast, riders in show hunters and equitation often use "fitted" fleece pads that are the same shape as the saddle. Girths vary in type, but usually have a contour to give room for the horse's elbows, and many have belly guards to protect the underside of the horse from its shoe studs when the front legs are tightly folded under. Bridles may be used with any style of cavesson noseband, and there are few rules regarding the severity of this equipment. The figure-8 cavesson is the most popular type. Bits may also vary in severity, and competitors may use any bit, or even a "bitless bridle" or a mechanical hackamore. The ground jury at the show has the right, however, based on veterinary advice, to refuse a bit or bridling scheme if it could cause harm to the horse. Boots and wraps are worn by almost all horses, due to the fact that they may easily injure their legs when landing or when making tight turns at speed. Open-fronted tendon boots usually are worn on the forelegs, because they provide protection for the delicate tendons that run down the back of the leg, but still allow the horse to feel a rail should it get careless and hang its legs. Fetlock boots are sometimes seen on the rear legs, primarily to prevent the horse from hitting itself on tight turns. Martingales are very common, especially on horses used at the Grand Prix level. The majority of jumpers are ridden in running martingales since these provide the most freedom over fences. Although a standing martingale (a strap connecting directly to the horse's noseband) is commonly seen on show hunters and may be helpful in keeping a horse from throwing its head up, it also may be quite dangerous in the event of a stumble, restricting a horse from using its head to regain its balance. For this reason, standing martingales are not used in show jumping or eventing. Breastplates also are common, used to keep the saddle in place as the horse goes over large fences.
The horses
A show jumper must have the scope and courage to jump large fences as well as the athletic ability to handle the sharp turns and bursts of speed necessary to navigate the most difficult courses. Many breeds of horses have been successful show jumpers, and even some grade horses of uncertain breeding have been champions. Most show jumpers are tall horses, over 16 hands (64 inches, 163 cm), usually of Warmblood or Thoroughbred breeding, though horses as small as 14.1 hands (57 inches, 145 cm) have been on the Olympic teams of various nations and carried riders to Olympic and other international medals. There is no correlation between the size of a horse and its athletic ability, nor do tall horses necessarily have an advantage when jumping. Nonetheless, a taller horse may make a fence appear less daunting to the rider. Ponies also compete in show jumping competitions in many countries, usually in classes limited to youth riders, defined as those under the age of 16 or 18 years, depending on the sanctioning organization. Pony-sized horses may, on occasion, compete in open competition with adult riders. The most famous example was Stroller, who only stood 14.1 hands (57 inches, 145 cm) but was nonetheless an Individual silver medal winner and part of the Great Britain show jumping team in the 1968 Summer Olympics, jumping one of the few clean rounds in the competition. Significant jumpers from the United States are included in the Show Jumping Hall of Fame.
A show jumper must have the scope and courage to jump large fences as well as the athletic ability to handle the sharp turns and bursts of speed necessary to navigate the most difficult courses. Many breeds of horses have been successful show jumpers, and even some grade horses of uncertain breeding have been champions. Most show jumpers are tall horses, over 16 hands (64 inches, 163 cm), usually of Warmblood or Thoroughbred breeding, though horses as small as 14.1 hands (57 inches, 145 cm) have been on the Olympic teams of various nations and carried riders to Olympic and other international medals. There is no correlation between the size of a horse and its athletic ability, nor do tall horses necessarily have an advantage when jumping. Nonetheless, a taller horse may make a fence appear less daunting to the rider. Ponies also compete in show jumping competitions in many countries, usually in classes limited to youth riders, defined as those under the age of 16 or 18 years, depending on the sanctioning organization. Pony-sized horses may, on occasion, compete in open competition with adult riders. The most famous example was Stroller, who only stood 14.1 hands (57 inches, 145 cm) but was nonetheless an Individual silver medal winner and part of the Great Britain show jumping team in the 1968 Summer Olympics, jumping one of the few clean rounds in the competition. Significant jumpers from the United States are included in the Show Jumping Hall of Fame.