Actinopterygii (Gigaclass) > Actinopteri (Class) > Teleostei (Subclass) > Gobiiformes (Order) > Gobioidei (Suborder) > Gobiidae (Family) > Gobiinae (Subfamily) > Ctenogobiops (Genus)
Saffron shrimp-goby, Silverspot shrimpgoby, Hohosuji-shinobihaze,
Ctenogobius crocineus (Smith, 1959)
Rhinogobius crocineus (Smith, 1959)
Dorsal spines (total): 7; Dorsal soft rays (total): 112; Anal spines: 1; Anal soft rays: 11. This species is distinguished by the following characters: D VI + I,11-12; A I,11; pectoral rays 19; longitudinal scale series 55-60; body depth 4.8-5.2 in SL; head length (HL) 3.1-3.3 in SL; dorsal profile of snout forming an angle of about 40° to horizontal axis of head and body; wide gill opening, reaching forward nearly to a vertical at posterior edge of eye; 2nd dorsal spine equal to or slightly longer than first spine and longer than the third spine, and about equal to the body depth (0.9-1.1); rounded caudal fin, 1.1-1.3 in HL; body with 4 longitudinal rows of dark brown spots, the 1st and 3rd as thick dashes, the spots of second row much smaller, except large first one over upper end of gill opening; 4th row ventrally on body with 2 or 3 spots on abdomen approaching pupil size, remaining spots only dark flecks; postorbital head with 3 oblique rows of dark dashes at an angle less than 45°, the 1st a single long dash behind eye, the next 2 across cheek, ending on upper half of opercle; 4 oblique rows of dark brown dashes and dots from eye across lips; median, dark brown, V-shaped mark dorsally on snout absent; in life, no small yellow flecks ventrally on body; larger dark spots on ventral half of body often encircled with blue dots; pectoral fins with a small white dash at upper base, a long white streak from base, narrowing into middle of fin. Max length : 5.5 cm SL. Depth range 1 - 15 m.
Ctenogobiops: from Greek, kteis, ktenos = comb + from Latin, gobius = gudgeon + from Ancient Greek, óps = eye, face, appearance. Referring to the closely related and presumably similar to Ctenogobius genus.
crocineus: from Latin, crocum = a spice, saffron. It contains a carotenoid pigment, crocin, which imparts a rich golden-yellow hue to dishes and textiles.
Saffron shrimp-goby, Silverspot shrimpgoby, Hohosuji-shinobihaze,
Ctenogobius crocineus (Smith, 1959)
Rhinogobius crocineus (Smith, 1959)
Dorsal spines (total): 7; Dorsal soft rays (total): 112; Anal spines: 1; Anal soft rays: 11. This species is distinguished by the following characters: D VI + I,11-12; A I,11; pectoral rays 19; longitudinal scale series 55-60; body depth 4.8-5.2 in SL; head length (HL) 3.1-3.3 in SL; dorsal profile of snout forming an angle of about 40° to horizontal axis of head and body; wide gill opening, reaching forward nearly to a vertical at posterior edge of eye; 2nd dorsal spine equal to or slightly longer than first spine and longer than the third spine, and about equal to the body depth (0.9-1.1); rounded caudal fin, 1.1-1.3 in HL; body with 4 longitudinal rows of dark brown spots, the 1st and 3rd as thick dashes, the spots of second row much smaller, except large first one over upper end of gill opening; 4th row ventrally on body with 2 or 3 spots on abdomen approaching pupil size, remaining spots only dark flecks; postorbital head with 3 oblique rows of dark dashes at an angle less than 45°, the 1st a single long dash behind eye, the next 2 across cheek, ending on upper half of opercle; 4 oblique rows of dark brown dashes and dots from eye across lips; median, dark brown, V-shaped mark dorsally on snout absent; in life, no small yellow flecks ventrally on body; larger dark spots on ventral half of body often encircled with blue dots; pectoral fins with a small white dash at upper base, a long white streak from base, narrowing into middle of fin. Max length : 5.5 cm SL. Depth range 1 - 15 m.
Ctenogobiops: from Greek, kteis, ktenos = comb + from Latin, gobius = gudgeon + from Ancient Greek, óps = eye, face, appearance. Referring to the closely related and presumably similar to Ctenogobius genus.
crocineus: from Latin, crocum = a spice, saffron. It contains a carotenoid pigment, crocin, which imparts a rich golden-yellow hue to dishes and textiles.
Original description: Ctenogobiops crocineus Smith, 1959 - Type locality: Mahé, Seychelles, western Indian Ocean.
Red Sea, Indo-West Pacific: East Africa east to Philippines and New Guinea, north to Ryukyu Islands, south to Queensland (Australia) and New Caledonia.
Similar species
Ctenogobiops feroculus (Lubbock & Polunin, 1977) - Reported from New Caledonia.
Ctenogobiops maculosus (Fourmanoir, 1955) - Reported from Red Sea, Indo-West Pacific: Seychelles east to Philippines and New Ireland (Papua New Guinea), north to Ryukyu Islands, south to northern Australia.
Red Sea, Indo-West Pacific: East Africa east to Philippines and New Guinea, north to Ryukyu Islands, south to Queensland (Australia) and New Caledonia.
Similar species
Ctenogobiops feroculus (Lubbock & Polunin, 1977) - Reported from New Caledonia.
Ctenogobiops maculosus (Fourmanoir, 1955) - Reported from Red Sea, Indo-West Pacific: Seychelles east to Philippines and New Ireland (Papua New Guinea), north to Ryukyu Islands, south to northern Australia.